Title: Confession (And Another One) Pairing: Yasui/Juri Rating: PG Word count: 4200
A/N: It’s been way too long since I’ve written anything so I was really glad when I finally got an inspiring prompt. The fic is written for the Tomochoco Fanworks Challenge (38. An anonymous love letter goes astray and causes A-kun to think Anon/B-kun is in love
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The meme was fun but reeeeally difficult! :'D All of my fics ended up being much more than 25w but at least I can still call them drabbles and that's enough for me. :P
Step 1: Write down the names of 10 characters.01. Matsumura Hokuto
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Title: Motivation Pairing: Juri/Yasui Rating: G Word count: 771
A/N: The "Totoro AU" again, nevermind the fact that there's never going to be a totoro in these fics. It's just that the year is 1958 and the village they live in looks like the village in the Totoro movie. Not that it matters much in this particular piece.
Title: Vocaloid 4 Rating: G Pairing: one-sided Juri/Yasui Word count: 1486 A/N: My friends and I once talked about how Yasui’s voice isn’t that angelic. On the same day I came across a youtube video of Hatsune Miku’s concert.
Title: The start of something new Pairing: Hokuto/Juri Rating: G Summary: Tetsuya’s feelings won’t leave Hokuto alone even after the workday. Warnings: Spoils a little bit from the ending of the Bakaleya movie. Word count: 1960
I dedicate this fic to the Angry people. Because you girls know how it feels like.